Tutorial: Part Two: Building your first model

The four easy steps to model building
A quick read of this article may save you a bit of time and hopefully remove any frustration that you may have. Please send us a note if you run into any issues or still have questions.
Below are the steps required to build a Process Tempo™ model:
Step One:
Click the New Model link. The model properties window should appear allowing you to create a new model. As we discussed in How to Build a Process Tempo™ Model there are key differences between a Blueprint and a Concept Model you should already be familiar with. More detail can also be found here.
For our example, let's create a Blueprint model that describes you and your world. Viewers will understand what department you work in, what your official title is. We can also share some of the concepts required to perform your function such as needing a phone, a desk or a computer.
Give your model a unique name and provide a description letting viewers know your model is about. Then click Save.
Step Two:
After clicking Save you should be presented with a blank model canvas. Begin modeling by dragging and dropping a Person concept from the concept palette. After positioning your mouse on the canvas where you want this concept to appear release the mouse button. The concept properties form should appear. Some quick details about this form:
Name - [Required] This is the only required field. For our example, please enter your full name. When building a Blueprint we need to be as specific as possible. The name field is critical when searching for this concept in the future.
Description - [Optional] This field is optional but you should make it a habit to always add a description This is more important for Blueprints than Concept Models.
Sub-type - [Optional] We already know that this concept has a Type = "Person", the Sub-type will provide the viewer a bit more detail. In our example, we will choose "Employee".
Status - [Optional] This field will help our viewers understand the status of a given concept. For our example feel free to leave this field blank or add something you think others in your domain should know about you.
Properties - [Optional] Used to add any additional details about a concept that a viewer may find useful.

Step Three:
Models consist of multiple concepts linked together by relationships so let's add a few more concepts. Once again, drag and drop from the palette onto the canvas the following concepts:
Role - Add your title into the name field.
Business Unit - Add the name of your department into the name field
Equipment - In the name field enter something you use to perform your job. Examples: cell-phone, laptop, stapler... Again, be as specific as possible.
Feel free to add as many concepts as you want.
Step Four:
To connect these concepts together hover your mouse over a concept. You will notice a red dot appear above the node. Using your mouse drag an drop this dot so that an arrow appears. Now connect this arrow to your target concept. You will see a subtle indication that the two concepts are linked when another arrow appears. Release the mouse and if the link is successful you will be prompted with the Relationship Properties screen. Go ahead and practice till it comes second hand.

The Relationship Properties screen consists of two fields:
Name - [Required] - This describes the type of relationship that the source concept has with the target concept. When connecting the Person concept to the Role concept we generally select the "Has role" relationship.
Impact - [Optional] This field is used when indicating the general weight of this relationship. It is an ad hoc field and you can enter any value you wish. In our example the Impact could be "Since 2010" indicating that you have had this role since that timeframe.

After clicking Save you now have joined two concepts with a relationship and you are now an official model builder!
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