Level Up Your Data Catalog Strategy

Capture a complete picture of your data infrastructure by combining data from all systems that interact with it, enhancing transparency and reducing complexity.

Transparency Saves Time

How much time do your analysts spend searching for and evaluating data? Cataloging the existence of a data asset is only a fraction of what it takes to save time, lower costs and reduce risk. It makes the analyst aware that it exists, but offers little context as to whether the data is valid, useful or up-to-date.

The only way to achieve this is by bringing traditionally disconnected data assets together in a common knowledge graph. Creating this level of transparency will reduce the time analysts spend on a weekly basis looking for and evaluating the data they need.

Potential Savings:

100 Analysts * 4-hours per week (estimated savings) *  50 weeks = 20,000 hours per year!

Context is Key for Data-Driven Decisions

Context answers critical questions (Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How) essential for data-driven decisions. Most decision-makers lack this context, often relying on intuition. Data catalog tools capture metadata but not context, requiring integrated workflow for full context.

A Winning Combination

A Global Data Catalog requires three key capabilities:

  • A state-of-the-art data processing capability
  • A modern graph data warehouse
  • An integrated dashboarding and workflow solution

Process Tempo, Modak Analytics Limited, and Neo4j provide all of these capabilities in a fully integrated software stack designed to accelerate the deployment of a global data catalog,

Benefits of a Global Data Catalog

Less Complexity

Easier data discovery encourages reuse of existing data.

Less Duplicate Effort

Central data catalog reduces the need for creating new data assets.

Greater Confidence

Well-organized data architecture instills confidence.

Faster Results

Analysts spend more time developing solutions.

Greater Transparency

Single information source simplifies data searches.

Increased Accuracy

Easier data access enhances adoption and quality.

The Most Trusted Database for Intelligent Applications

High-speed graph database with unbounded scale, security, and data integrity for mission-critical intelligent applications.


Learn more at www.neo4j.com

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Intelligent Data Orchestration

Modak Nabu™ accelerates data preparation by 4X, at a petabyte scale, by automating repetitive tasks, with active metadata services.

Modak Nabu Architecture.jpg

Learn more at www.modak.com

Rapid Application Development

Process Tempo helps to bring ideas to life with the combination of self-service analytics, embedded workflow and an integrated, state-of-the-art graph database.

Intelligent Data Orchestration

Modak Nabu™ automates data preparation and accelerates processing by 4X.

Rapid Application Development

Process Tempo combines self-service analytics, embedded workflow, and a state-of-the-art graph database to bring ideas to life.

Unlocking Data's Potential

Discover the latest trends and insights in data analytics.

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