The Process Tempo Dashboard Builder

Phil Meredith
Jul 15, 2021
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I am very excited to announce that we have made tremendous progress on our upcoming release of Process Tempo version 3.5 which is expected to be available the first quarter of 2022. One of the key components of this new release will be our new dashboard builder which is available as an experimental feature in our current release.

With this new capability we will be competing head-on with the likes of Tableau, PowerBI, Qlik, etc. Call us crazy but we feel pretty confident about our ability to compete in this space.

Interested in learning why we are so confident? Read on!

Sample Process Tempo Dashboard
Sample Process Tempo Dashboard

Why a Dashboard Builder?

The first rule in business is to listen to your customers. If your business has any chance of succeeding it must have a deep understanding of the challenges that your customers and prospects face. The new dashboard builder is a result of our close bonds with our customers. We listened and what we heard drove our design and our decision making. The market is apparently very hungry for alternatives!

Why our dashboard visualizations? Some of the key reasons why our new dashboard builder will stand out from the crowd:

  • Read AND Write! Dashboard interactivity is more than just drill downs and filters. There will be times when a user will want to contribute additional information or fix a glaring problem. For example, a user may want to add a comment or change a status. Perhaps even add a new record. With our integrated Form Builder we offer the ability to create custom dashboards with a great deal of interactivity. None of the other BI vendors can come close.
  • Improved Data Confidence This is a must have. What is the point of having an amazing looking dashboard if consumers of this dashboard have no confidence in the data? Our approach is to help fix the underlying business processes to ensure only the highest quality data is represented in our visualizations.
  • Our customers struggle with per-user license restrictions Imagine building a dashboard for the executive staff and forcing them to remember a user name and password. Not cool. How many users do you think you actually need anyway? How many roles? For each dashboard you deliver this number can be a crapshoot and if you get it wrong, users will turn away and opportunities will be lost. Stop the per-user license madness!
  • Performance. Performance. Performance! Our underlying architecture is designed around the principle that data models can always be improved. You cannot expect greatness from a dashboard that relies on self-joins and/or cartesian products. They will never work. We offer an alternative which will likely outperform platforms still leveraging SQL code for complex queries and complex data models.
  • Cloud analytics can be very expensive! Cloud-based applications often charge a consumption fee. The more you use the application the more you pay. This license approach restricts the business and creates "analytics for the few and not the many". This is the opposite direction of data democratization. In 2021, organizations need other options. A strategy is required to constrain the growth in cloud spending.
  • Not every business wants their data in the cloud! Of course, there is always the concern of cloud security that some of the "old school" organizations still lose sleep over. Unfortunately, silicon valley spends all of its time with its head in the cloud. Pun intended. There are some great new technologies that provide a cloud-only option. Oops! I smell an opportunity!
  • Less moving parts! If your organization needs dozens of tools and dozens of specialists to create a dashboard then something is wrong. This is the main reason why development backlogs exist and why there is so often a great deal of technical debt. Can we find a way to streamline this effort? Process Tempo includes a number of features that can simplify your ability to deliver timely, summarized information. It is a single platform versus multiple tools. It is a few, highly efficient admins versus an army of specialists.
  • It needs to be user friendly! Our approach from the very beginning was centered around empowering the non-technical user with timely and contextual data. By providing simple, self-service capabilities we can greatly increase end user adoption, improve service levels and your organization will benefit from more eyes on the prize. Data for the many, not the few.


So yes, we are very confident. Everyone snickered at Google when they announced their new search engine in 1998. After all, the market was awash with search engines at that time. They took a different approach and stole the lion's share of business. I like to think we are doing the same thing. Happy dashboarding!

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